Tag: Manic Street Preachers

  • Sometimes, I want to put on a song and fade away. Here, the Manic’s bassist, Nicky Wire, speaks of depression and the power of sleep. And like sleep, there’s something about this song I find relaxing to listen to.

  • Now that I think about it more, I must have first heard the Manic Street Preachers around 2004. When I went looking for them after hearing There by the Grace of God, I immediately came across Lifeblood, which contains the track above — The Love of Richard Nixon. I’ve always found this album to be…

  • I remember the first time I heard the Manic Street Preachers. It was the summer, I think, and it must have been the early ’00s. We were in the car, and my parents were listening to a CBC show called The Vinyl Cafe on the radio. Stuart McLean was a family favourite, and even now…